The ceremony of granting habilitation and Ph.D diplomas

Science Festival
2 June 2016
Visit of dr Katarina Reiterova
14 June 2016

1 June 2016

The University of Warmia and Mazury day – the ceremony of granting habilitation and Ph.D diplomas

In the Conference Centre, Olsztyn-Kortowo, during the University of Warmia and Mazury Day celebrations at 1 June 2016, a ceremony of granting habilitation diplomas and doctoral promotions took place. His Magnificence, the Rector of University Warmia and Mazury, Prof. dr hab. Ryszard J. GÓRECKI delivered 41 habilitation diplomas and 121 PhD diplomas.
Habilitation degree in biology in the field of parasitology has been awarded to our colleague dr Justyna Bień from the Laboratory of Physiopathology.